Organic Japanese Kukicha Tea

Con un agradable y refrescante sabor cítrico, el té verde Kukicha ecológico japonés está especialmente indicado para darte un momento de bienestar, reducir el estrés y beneficiarte de sus múltiples propiedades, entre otras, su alto contenido en calcio, así como el gran aporte de vitaminas A, B y C

certificado ecologico

Ability: 75 Gr.

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    Productos certificados, Orgánicos y Naturales

    Organic Japanese Kukicha Tea

    Organic Japanese Kukicha Tea


    Organic Japanese Kukicha Tea

    Ability: 75 Gr.

    With a pleasant and refreshing citrus flavor, organic Japanese Kukicha green tea is especially indicated to give you a moment of well-being, reduce stress and benefit from its multiple properties, among others, its high calcium content, as well as the great contribution of vitamins. A, B and C

    certificado ecologico

    If you are looking for a special tea , we invite you to buy Kukicha tea. It is one of those varieties that nature has provided for you and that you have to know whether you are passionate about the world of tea or if you have just started in it.

    Because? The reasons are several, but the main ones are, on the one hand, that it is one of the teas with the highest amount of calcium on the market today. This makes it especially suitable for women in menopause and also for athletes, so that they strengthen their bones. And, secondly, because of the amount of vitamins it provides, specifically, vitamins A, B and C, which give us energy and protect our cardiovascular health, among other benefits.

    Japanese Kukicha, also known as Three-Year Tea, is made with the branches and stems of the Camellia Sinensis, but this part of the tea plant cannot be cut before 3 years of age to be able to make this tea; hence its name.

    An organic tea that, by the way, has very little theine, so it can be taken practically at any time of the day, unless you are especially sensitive to theine. In fact, this tea is often compared to white teas in terms of this characteristic, which, as you know, are the ones with the least amount of protein.

    To finish, I will tell you a curiosity. Did you know that this tea was previously only consumed by peasants? When taking the tea twigs, it is considered that it would have less quality, but time and the palates of the experts have shown that the opposite is true. Blessed popular wisdom!

    Elige tu ingrediente favorito Kukicha
    Tiempo de infusión 3 to 5 min.
    Ingredientes Organic Japanese kukicha.
    Cantidad 1 Small Tablespoon
    Temperatura 80ºC
    Gluten Without gluten
    Productor Aromas de Té SL Calle San Quintín, 6 45100 Sonseca (Toledo) - B45853447
    Registro sanitario RS 25.003070/TO
    Conservación Store in a cool, dry place
    Procedencia European Union
    Energía 0.2 kcal/ 2kJ
    Grasas Less than 0.5g
    Grasas saturadas Less than 0.1g
    Hidratos de carbono Less than 0.5g
    Azúcares Less than 0.1 gr.
    Proteínas Less than 0.5g
    Sales minerales Less than 0.001g
    Valor nutricional Values ​​expressed per cup