Spicy and aromatic, this tea is ideal to start the day on the right foot and recharge your batteries with the minerals and vitamins that our body needs. It is good during or after sports, to recover.

Autumn is a time in which our body needs more than ever to be well-loaded with defenses to avoid, as far as possible, catching the traditional colds or flu so characteristic of this time of year in which the temperature is so changeable. and in the mornings it is very cold, but as soon as the sun rises, things change. We invite you to buy rooibos online of this variety to enjoy all its benefits.
For this reason, at Aromas de Té we have been inspired by this time to make this rooibos, without theine, gluten-free and that the whole family can enjoy at any time of the day, but which also serves to increase your defenses, if you take it. regularly and moderately.
A good time to take it can be at breakfast. The first thing that will catch your attention will be its cinnamon aroma, which clearly predominates. However, when you try it, this spice will give way to ginger and rose petals, which will give a twist to the sweet flavor of cinnamon, to provide an acidic touch and make the result surprising.
Furthermore, both this rooibos, and the rest of the ones that you can find in Aromas de Té , are ideal for athletes or for people who go for a walk, in the mountains, etc... In short, for all those who do some type of exercise , strong or moderate and who want to regain strength and hydrate during and after practice. This way, you will not suffer the unwanted soreness that some sports leave the next day.