Organic blue tea!
Organically grown oolong tea has a flavor between green and white with a different acidity point that makes it characteristic.
It is a diuretic, antioxidant and helps in all weight loss stores as it helps us eliminate liquids effectively.
If you think that it may be good for you to eliminate fluids during the day, this infusion taken in the morning may probably be good for you.

We have been working with oolong tea for years, since a trip to Taiwan in which we delved into both the crops and the customs of the island.
But in Formosa, as they call their island from there, they do not grow organic crops.
They say that they have all their production sold and that they don't need anyone to tell them how to do it.
But our most ecological clients have always demanded it from us. At fairs like Biocultura and many ecological fairs that we visit throughout the year.
But we didn't have it because we were expecting to find quality like Taiwan tea. The best Oolong that exists are the pioneers and those who embroider it.
And finally, this year, we have tried this variety that is very special.
Grown in China, with a very mild fermentation point reminiscent of green tea and rolled with a characteristic acidity point that makes it irresistible.
When you buy blue tea you will discover an organic diuretic tea , taken first thing in the morning you will notice that you urinate more during the day and eliminate unwanted liquids.
Antioxidant, taken regularly, hot or cold, it is super good, the cells regenerate more strongly and we will feel younger.
It is very good for the skin, it will help us stay hydrated and show off skin with much more luster and energy.
Furthermore, among its many properties, although it does not have much theine, it is very good for circulation and the cardiovascular system, making us feel better and lighter in our daily lives.
It will help us before doing sports since that point of energy without having a sweet taste will improve our performance without making us thirsty while we exercise.
The reality is that it is a variety that, taken regularly, will make us feel better inside and of course outside.
The best times to drink this infusion are:
- In the morning, on an empty stomach.
- Ideal to give us extra energy and help us eliminate liquids.
- During the morning at the time of the thermos.
- Whether we carry it in a thermos or take it at work, it is an ideal choice because it will hydrate and refresh us, even if we drink it hot, and it helps us concentrate.
- In the afternoon or before exercising.
- Whether we do gym sports, run or like to go for a walk and walk to feel better, it is ideal to drink this infusion beforehand to prepare our body and give us that little bit of energy that will improve our performance.
If all these properties and benefits of organic Oolong tea can come in handy, you can get it here.